
Am I?

I finally completed my resume after a procrastinating for 5 gawd damn years. But I still do not know what I want to do yet. Because of my upgraded lifestyle over the years, the new job would need to support me a little better and make me sleep better at night. Still want to continue with sales? I don't know. Something that is excel and system bound would be great. That is such a piece of cake to me. Perhaps could consider being a sexytary hahahahaha... I am good at that too =}

It's Raining Outside...'s one of those zhai evening I am having right now... sitting here in my office... browsing facebook... checking out everybody's picture and trying to imagine how life's is with all of them right now... now that we are all in our 30s... I am quite cool being in my mid 30s now... seems like yesterday when were still in school... and it's one of those evening... I am sitting here... with my three dots... thinking... reflecting... how life is with me right now... And seriously, the Sarah Maclachlan background song is not really helping out at all kekekeke... hummm... I miss writing... perhaps go home, have a cuppa and write =)

Sitting @ The Coffee Shop

This is the 2nd week in a row I have been sitting in a coffee shop on a Sunday just to do brainless things that I think I like to do. Keeping up with Facebook and also playing games online... I have plans today. I want to make prawn salad with lots and lots of prawns... yum yum... and have nice mussels with thousand island sauce... It's peaceful sitting here. Open air with the lap top just doing brainless things that I think I like to do...

My Pretty Nails

I have an obsession with painting nails lately. So I bought a lot of stuff to learn nail art. And this is the result. Not too bad for a beginner =)

Christmas Eve Dinner @ Steph's

Christmas EVe, Steph invited us to their place for a steamboat dinner also cum House Warming. It was a peaceful dinner with Squidy and 2 of her colleagues, Gin & Fergie (read Fei G). We have plenty of booze and food - what else could a good meal ask for! This is us in the kitchen preparing the food. And Steph "chopping" chillis with a pair of scissors =\ And this is the view from her 18th floor apartment which is quite nice: We had such a great time, we are going back there for New Year's Eve dinner though it would just be 3 of us. We are still looking for more participants but then again plenty food and booze, that would be all just enough... kakaka...

Once Upon I Looked For New Housemates

Years back when we were students, we could not afford to rent the whole apartment on our own like now. So we put up an ad for the 1 empty room we have. So my roommate Ah Har, who is also Mandarin illiterate picked up the calls. Caller 1: Room for Rent? Ah Har: Yaya... What your name? Caller 1: Oh... my name is Feng Yiu... Ah Har: Har? Wah! Minyak Cap Kapak??!! Me: Wuahahahahaha... Then came another caller: Caller 2: Room for Rent? Ah Har: Yaya... What your name? Caller 2: Oh... my name is Doo Shern... Ah Har: Har? Wah! God of Gambling??!! Me: Wuahahahahaha... Turned out caller no. 2 passed our interview with flying colours and we learnt that his name is actually Too Sheng not Doo Shern as he and his roommate Ah Boon guided our Mandarin better =) This weekend we are meeting up for dinner after 5-6 years we did not get together... Looking forward to that one =)

My Mummy

Most people who meets me and my mummy will tell me I will look exactly like her when I grow old cause we just look so much alike... so in 20 years time I will then look like this... And my mummy loves to surprise me as well... she sneaked in my birthday present into the office... a new coat with a pretty skirt =) Yeah... I love my mummy very much... kakakaka...

My Newly Arrived Niece

This is so uncanny that she looks like her father so much... This is when she just came out - just before the Ghost Festival ends... And this is her just merely 3 days old... Yes, those cheeks, literally and no pun intended, runs in the family =)

My Happy Friend

This is the last time I went out with Jac. And this cookie fascinated me cause it's so big. She is now living happily ever after in a country thousands and thousands of miles away from me =) I miss our Sundays =)

Finally I am at the Zoo

This is a proud moment. Solitary moments. And there is no place better to have it at the zoo. This so reminds me my trip back in Thailand when I was 12. It would be nice if I could scan the picture and compare. It's like a complete cycle =)

Cheap Thing No Good Thing

Yes... and this including soups... So I went to this not-so-posh place and ordered mushroom soup and it looked like this... Sedihnya... And I went to this quite posh place and ordered mushroom soupa nd it looked like this...

Office Birthday

Yeah Yeah... it is way overdue liao... but it's the thoughts that counts... my anak-anak cucuk all 29 candles in the cake to remind me my age... =)

Brother's Wedding

Oh Oh~ My brother is finally all grown up and getting married! Oh so proud of him... And this my dear Tshun-Tshun performing solo!! Wah lao! I never knew he is so gutsy and sing so well... This is a very proud sister moment. I was the one who clapped so loud... phewittttttt~~~ And of course, this is me with my pretty make up... Oh... who wants to marry this social butterfly now? Kakaka...

Gays and Sexy Doctors

This is my new obsession currently... They are so passionate that is makes you brrr... And of course my Dr. House... Oh yeah...

Amusing Loving Gays

Recently I am back into blog hopping... and it really fascinated me why do people blog and it fascinated me even more further when I read how and what they blogged... And recently I hopped to this blog which tickled me the whole day with his open sense of humour. Yeah, it did helped a little knowing he is such a romantic gay... And I find this picture he posted in his blog really sweet =) Cheers.


A friend told me that for this year, her resolution is to meet up at least one of her friends every month... and days ago when I was in Singapore for a business trip (oh finally, it's my turn to travel..), I managed to meet up with Ah Tzu. And I told her that, maybe like my friend, this year, I want to put in a little more effort to look for my friends... And meeting Ah Tzu is a very good start. She didn't change much. Still the same ol' sarcastic and cold woman she is... and knowing she is in Singapore for the past 7 years is not really helping that kakaka... We met at Takashimaya and she was patiently shopping around with me for my bb's belt. And after that we sat down in Coffee Bean and later Swensen's for ice cream. It was fun catching up with her and I do hope that it won't be another 3 years lapse that I get to see her again. And having dinner with Wye Yee and Jac is a great start too... now I just need to hunt where are the rests are...

Uncertainty and Insecurity

You know, there are days when you wake up and you feel uncertain of your day. What are you going to do? Is the day going to be screwed up? What if the plans didn't work out? What if I am stranded? And these uncertainties will grow in you turning you into an insecured monster. Today, at this very naked moment, I feel that this day is such day.

Unlogical Genius

Yeah... I've been told that too many times. Mathematical genius but somehow unable to think logically -.-" Your IQ Is 100 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

All That Is Left Of...

I was watching Discovery Channel the other day and mother cheetah went to hunt for food for her youngs. When she returned to her nest to feed her youngs, she came home to her dead babies attacked by lions. It was definitely a sad moment. And that is nature. Yeah, nature will take it's course eventually.

My Last Baby

He managed to escape. Naughty like cock - which I think why he managed to survive the attack. But cute like hell... Most adorable... I had not named him yet... I just call him baby baby~ =P