
The Story of Mellissa's Emergency

I don't quite remember which year was this. I woke up to see a misscall on my phone by Mellissa. It was a weekend so it was in the afternoon. So I returned Mellissa's call: Mellissa: Now only you returned my call... if got emergency really can die... Bimbo: What happened? Mellissa: Something is wrong with my leg, I couldn't walk... Bimbo: Oh my gawd... are you okay? Mellissa: Of course no... I need to go to the hospital... Bimbo: Right away! So I called Jolene panicky and told her we need to go save Mellissa. So I picked Jolene up and we flew to Mellissa's place with my black dark horse. Bimbo & Jolene: Mellissa... we are here already to bring you to the hospital, come on... let's go... Mellissa: Can wait ah... I want to finish this CSI episode first... Bimbo & Jolene: -.-'

The Story of The Three Bimbos

So this is the story of the three bimbos. Bimbo #1 Sloppy and do not care much about physical appearance. Practical. Funny. Engineer. Bimbo #2 When you see her, it's all about brand and grand. The branded bag must match with the shoes. Glamorous. Head of Buyers. Bimbo #3 Despite her flawless skin, she stills put on light makeup even for casual, because looking good is important for her. Hip and young. Energetic. Marketing Head. All 3 Bimbos also owns different brands of phone. Would not be hard to guess who is using: Blackberry iPhone5 Samsung Note

The After Story Of Bimbo's Dark Horse Is Up & Running

This is what I realised how it all made sense. It's like the Universe is coming together to get me prepared for this day: I normally do not go home that early. If I had went back the usual hours I do, I would not be able to even get Ah Choon because he would had gone home My bold blackberry actually has a touch screen but because I broke the phone, it has to be sent for repair. So I used back the old curve blackberry (without the touch screen) and this old curve blackberry of mine, when I first bought it, I always complained it heats up so easily due to the numbers of emails coming in. And because it heats up easily, good ol' curve blackberry eventually managed to heat itself up to dry and the touchpad was functioning back again like new And because the first 2 young mechanics abandoned me, it horrified the workshop owners so much, I became their story of the day. Though the bill did not seem any more sympathetic, I do believe, they became my first group of friends I got t

The Story Of Bimbo's Dark Horse Broke Down

It was a long day at work, so I decided to go home early. It's really unusual I leave work that early. When I was 5 minutes away from home, my car decided to stop. Trying not to panic, I got down from the car and in the midst of juggling with not getting hit by other passing cars, my wannabe Mulberry bag and my mobile phone, my blackberry decided to flew and landed itself in the drain. What else could go wrong?! I took a deep breath. And walked to a workshop which is just 2 houses away first, to get help. And there were these 2 young mechanics there who told me that they could not help me because 1. they are closed 2. it's too dark and they have eyesight problem. They were just probably in their twenties. Further down the road (which is probably 1km away) has workshops, you could go there, they told me. How? They just shook their heads. Really?! This confirmed that this place memang land of no manners. So I took another deep breath. And decided to go save my

Bimbo's Clock Is Ticking

So many things to do. So little discipline and determination to do.

Farewell My Pink Alarm Clock

I don't quite remember how old I was. I think I was 12, going to have my UPSR exams. My dad bought me this alarm clock. Which woke me up for many many mornings for the next 10 years. It flew with me to a different town (now a city) and woke me up for my A-Levels exams. Different states and woke me up for my Diploma and Degree exams. It stopped ticking when someone who was once dear to me dropped it. And broke it. And eventually broke my heart too.

Farewell Little Bunny

This is Little Bunny whom I've stolen from my younger brother. Little Bunny had put me to sleep many nights when I was far away from home and missed everybody terribly. The sound of Little Bunny's was so soothing that it almost every time bring me to tears. I'm going to miss you, Little Bunny.

Homeless Bimbo

At this moment of time, if there is a lesson I want to regret not learning any better is to be prudent. How can a person like me who earns a decent pay could not afford many things in life? Like a place to call home, for instant. What happened to the table with the gadgets and the fishbowl? You think I could get there? I could. And I must learn to be a little more selfish for myself.

Bimbo is into K-Pop

Who would have thought! I finally discovered K-Pop! So I was on my business trip, tired and just resting in my hotel room and there were limited channels on languages that I could understand. So I was watching this Mandarin Channel, and they were introducing a band, a Korean band nontheless... Oh my... I didn't know Korean young boys could be so delicious hahahahaha... And yes, the one in blond is the one I liked and the tall one (who somehows remind me of alien) is growing on me. Of course, with this new obsession, I was starting to learn about their lives through google and eventually I managed to learn their names. G-Dragon and T.O.P they are... Yes, very handsome they are.

Me Is So Tired...

Today I am so tired from work. It is one of those dog days. So tired that when I was at the elevator,. I walked in with this other person, I was just too tired smile even. She was getting one floor off earlier than me. In the elevator the whole while, I was just staring at the No Smoking sign, partially also I was consciously avoiding eye contact with my unknown neighbour. And from the corner of my eye I could see her watching me. Then the lift went ding ! We had reached her floor. And with the most cheerful smile, she greeted me, good night ! And I replied good night back with some enthusiasm. And I looked at my hand which was holding my company lanyard (I use it as a keychain) and I could not help but wonder, was she one of them who had worked / is working with my company. Oh my! Me is just so tired thinking about our poor service lately. Heck it, she probably is just one of my friendly neighbours whom I took granted for...

We Band of Brothers

I have watched Band of Brothers so many times. And yet everytime I watch it, it's like I am watching it for the first time. I could not have imagined how horrible the war was. So much fear. Even after the war ended, I am sure it was not easy to live on. I could only imagine the nightmares and terrors they would be having on sleepless nights. I've seen those a lot onTV (cause I do not know anyone personally who survived the war) and I believe the TV. When I am down and out, I used to look for and start reading my Schindler book. It told stories of the holocaust's survivors. I could not imagine, how much hatred one person has to wanting to eliminate a race. And the endless of sufferings he put on so many people. And I always tell my friends, could you only imagine, the prisoners at the death camps, when they were having a good day, they would dream. And what they dreamt of is having a warm bed to sleep on and a loaf of bread to eat. And we? We dream of big houses, fast

Fatter Pots

bimbo: I want to go curl my hair (while twirling her boring straight hair)... datin: You need to have soft hair to curl your hair... bimbo : But my hair is not soft and it never will be. Does this mean I will never get to curl my hair?!?!?!!! datin: Well, truth hurts... bimbo: *glares* If only I have my car with me right now, I will so drive to the salon to dye my hair red and curl my hair. With or without soft hair I would definitely look like this:    

Happy Advanced Malaysia Day!

Oh well, I wanted to do this post on Malaysia Day since I am so feeling so patriotic today (besides the fact I am on blogging mode). But knowing myself, chances are I would be the lazy ass then so might as well do it now. I always tell myself and my children that knowing what is "in" right now is important. So that when you go out and meet people you would have stories to tell and participate. So I have been hearing this Gangnam thing for the past weeks,  so I told myself today, I must know what it is! Hmmmm... so that was what it is... Gangnam Style... Even  I have to say it's quite entertaining actually. And it grows on you hahahahah... And of course, with a video like this, there would be parodies. And I came across this one: Orang Sabah Style. Some find it irritating but I actually find these kids so talented doing this. It's catchy and funny. The "chowsingchi" moments in between were actually quite creative, though tacky. And for a mome

Happy 55th Merdeka, Malaysia!

I have a new obsession. It all happened when my boss asked us to purchase a management book (which is so deep and thick, I don't even know where to begin with that book). And since I am this "in trend" person now who purchases rubbish online all the time (besides the fact I am car-less nowadays), I ordered the book online. When I was ordering, I saw this: I am always a supporter of my own country talents so I purchased the book in support. And I got addicted. What I really love about his journal is his simplicity. And it appeared genuine and honest. Always something you could relate to with your own life. And of course, he is funny. And he gave me another good story to tell for the next few months of my life during boring dinners and lunches hahahahaha... Here is to whom make Malaysians proud being a Malaysian on Merdeka Day.   Happy 55th Merdeka Day, Malaysia!


7 early 8 early, life is being tested, stage 1. I will be strong. After this, all will be better.

Random Thoughts on a Sunday

It has been quite a while already I have time for myself alone on a Sunday. It does feel nice. I watched The Good Wife and Grey's Anatomy. I cooked dinner, had some drinks and now continuing watching Private Practice. It's nice. There was a funeral today. Makes you feel sad for a moment. Ponder the next. And your mind wanders. I always believe that things happen for a reason. For better or worse. And I believe in doing good. From the heart. I miss laying down here on the sofa and waiting for a kick. Putting my palm on top of my stomach massaging. Caressing. Yeah, I miss that. But I miss the real thing more. I miss his laughter and dididididididi hahahaha... And I know what you did on Saturday morning.

My Long Lost Friend

Sometime ago I spoke about this friend of mine whom I did not speak to for years. I found her through bbm and yes I am more in love with my blackberry because of this. Remember The-Not-So-Innocents ? I am so proud to tell you Jolene is now happily married with a loving husband and they are expecting their son this January =)


The part that really caught my attention is how happy Daphne Iking is with her belly. I miss that... =) And how the celebrities and the people come together ... I love that teamwork.


kar·ma noun \ˈkär-mə also ˈkər-\ often capitalized : the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence Do you believe in Karma? I do. Don't you think you could get away with it. I believe so. Very.

The Sugar Bowl Is Empty~~

A post I picked from a friend's FB: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you. But the roses are wilting, The violets are dead, The sugar bowl's empty, And so is your head