
Amy Schumer, Blacking Out & Mourning

I have been reading this book. Amy Schumer's Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo. It is so funny. I do not remember when was the last time I read a book and laughing out loud. Literally LOL. A lot of times I can so relate to her. With her train of thoughts. Especially the bimbo moments. Then, there is this chapter in the book she was sharing about her experiences in blacking out. And this is how she explains what black outs are: "...blacking out is when your mind goes to sleep but your body keeps right on doing whatever your drunk-ass self thinks is a good idea. Blacking out is NOT passing out asleep in a drunken stupor. It's quite the opposite. Your brain is sleeping like an innocent little baby, but your body is at a rave and it keeps making decisions... This is why blacking out is incredibly dangerous. You might look like a regular drunk girl, but you're actually a zombie who won't remember shit later." I've heard my friends talking abo

How Fucked Up Is Fucked Up?

Apparently we do not know. I can still type all these without any grammar and spelling mistake. Fuck sugarcane . With Apple Cider it tastes so good! Aren't we all too old for this already? Confused. How did this happen? I do not know. I do not know. I do not know.


So the saying goes. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength. While loving someone deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu- At times like this, I do not know how to respond to that.

Kedai Makanan Basikal Stopover

So, through a series of event, I got to know this charming little eatery in Kuala Kubu Baru. When you walked into the shop, you can't help it but have your eyes all over the place, looking at the busy yet charming decorations. The food of course did not disappoint either. This morning I went with the boys, so I just ordered all that is available on the menu for breakfast, which was just 4 types of dishes anyways. The sotong nasi lemak, the siew yuk curry mee, the wonderful mushroom soup and the fat boy breakfast with big pudding is worth the 1.5 hour drive. And of course the people there are friendly and I am glad that I managed to make a friend. Or two there. But the best part of the trip is the drive. The peaceful road between the forest. The sky is just so beautiful in the afternoon with the hues of blue. And the clouds. The boys and I are just starring into the clouds the whole trip, making shapes out of them

Great Lover, Terrible Mother

And this is what I am feeling as I am watching this video for the umpteenth time tonight.

The Sky

So. Remember we used to look out from the window and trace the highway lights. Now that I am in a village, I am looking a lot at the sky instead. And I realised, in this quiet village, the sky is quite charming. On a good day, the sky would be in hues of blue. There will be fluffy clouds lining up and you could trace them just like the highway lights. In the evening, when the sun is going down, the sky would be grey in hues of light. And sometimes, there will be a soft wind accompanying it. You will just stand there at the balcony, gazing into the sky, feeling the breeze on your face. Embracing the moment..... Then, you will wonder. Wondering... what comes next.


This sarcastic conversation happened approximately 6+ years ago. me: so... is it true that pineapples are bad for pregnancy? ob-gyn: huh? me: well, they said it's a "cooling" fruit, so should not eat... ob-gyn: well... have you ever heard when someone wants to abort a child, they just go eat tonnes of pineapples to do the job? me: ... ob-gyn: not too say cannot eat, but everything must be in moderation... too much of anything, including pineapples will be not good... me: {nodding... because it makes so much sense} I always say that being moderate is the toughest. It's easy to swing from one extreme to another, but being moderate and able to balance things. That is hard.


So. This is what I have discovered for the past 4 weeks. Kronenberg is a nice beer. Because it is fruity and sweet. But not as sweet as Apple Ciders. Which make them really nice, especially when they come in different flavors. Sweet. Really sweet. It takes approximately 14 shots of Vodka to send me to sleep. The 8th shot I will start flying. So I will live a good 6 shots thereafter. It accompanies well with Thunder by Imagine Dragons. A bird accidentally discovered, sugarcane as a mixer to Vodka is absolut -ly heavenly. It will be lifted to another level if mixed with lemon or lime. I seemed to like it. Very much. Even a light one, a frozen margarita will send my body go tingling. When mixed with Kronenberg, I will be as high as a kite. But we need to down it fast in small glasses. I like that amount of high. Just make sure I am not chatting with strangers. Soju is not my thing. Not sweet enough. So need to mix with sugarcane to lift the sweetness up. Wine is okay. And I lik

JPG from Supermarkets

A conversation in the elevator one fine morning from 24th Floor to Ground Floor: friendly neighbour: your perfume smells really nice... bimbo: thank you... friendly neighbour: what is it? it's really nice... some perfume are really suffocating but this is just nice... bimbo: it's jpg... friendly neighbour: oh... can buy from supermarket ah? bimbo: "-.- Oh well, there goes the neighborhood.


Sad [sad] 1 affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful: to feel sad because a close friend has moved away. 2 expressive of or characterized by sorry: sad looks; a sad song. 3 causing sorrow: a sad disappointment; sad news. I really am trying not to be sad. So... I also really am trying to think of happy things to write. I am sitting here for 10 minutes. Starring at the screen as Joanne is over there, with all her A for Effort, also trying to cheer me up. We are all trying so hard. But I can't help it, but just feeling sad. Can you believe it. I am so sad that I could not sleep. Already I do not have my napping habit (which means less sleeping time), now I cannot even get through 6 hours for the night without waking up, including weekends. It has been like this for the 4th week now. Now, that is sad. Sometimes I am just thinking, that I am just waiting, when I will collapse. Like the time many years back, I partied every single night and just collapsed for the n

My Handsome Doctor

I was not well a few months back. So I needed to go to see a doctor. And I did. Somewhere just near my place. And you know how flu's are. Your eyes are watery, you can hardly breathe through your blocked nose and everything around you seemed to be a blur. And that is when I met my doctor. My handsome doctor.  How handsome, my friends asked me, and I said, a lesser version of Leon Lai. Really.... or maybe... hahahaha... "Do you have a fever?" "I don't know..." * takes a thermometer and inserted to my ear * "You do..." "I am sure it's just a mild one, cause I don't really feel the heat..." "Yeah..." Then! He took both of his warm soft hands and held my jaws, cupping. Such soft warm hands he has and I am very sure I am going to start ovulating then! "Is your nose blocked?" "Yes it is. And it is runny also at the same time... it's blocked and it's runny, so ironic." And he laughed.

Smart or Stupid

Sometimes I do wonder, how can I be so smart and yet be this stupid too. Don't you ever wonder that be your life too? Your brain is telling you to make the right moves... but your heart... your bloody heart... is so weak and yet taking control. Such oxymoron. It confuses me.

How Did We Grew Apart

I am sure I am not the only guilty one. You have close friends in school and along the way, you grew apart. Most went to start a family of their own. And as you live, your old friends will become reunion friends. And the amount of time you spend in the office makes you closer to your colleagues. So I got to know an acquaintance lately, an almost stranger. We were going somewhere together and during the journey, I remember me telling him this. So I have this friend, we grew up in a town and we came to this city and we have grown roots here and for the longest time, we are in the same city but we do not talk or see each other. But you and me, who are almost strangers, we talk almost every other day and we go out to do things. How did this happen?

Jalan-Jalan Bagi Makan

And that is the bumper sticker at the side of my back car window now. I joined this little group of street feeders recently for all the wrong reasons. What they do, they go out to the streets and feed the homeless. What I like is that one of their main objectives, they are trying to get people off the streets, especially the youths who are still strong and able to work. They engage and try to talk people out of the streets. Well, I must say the success rate as expected to be low but you know what they say, if you can save one, you have saved one. While I was doing this, I was really amazed with the good people I see and meet who really want to do good. Most of them have a day job, they come out at night in the middle of the work week and do this. And it doesn't hurt along the way, you get to collect more stories to tell. In the spirit of being hopeful.

My New Orchids

This morning I woke up and feeling restless. Not being able to binge on junk food is really stressing me out. So I decided to go out to the nursery and got these! Carpet and orchids to decorate the front door. I wanted to feel homey when I reached the door after long dog days. I am quite happy how it had turned out and I am sure it will get crowded soon. And I am telling you, home deco is really an expensive past time. But I am loving it.

Quiet Sunday

On this quiet Sunday, I got up and switched on the TV. Kitchen Nightmares was showing and boy do I love Gordon Ramsay. He is like everything I want in a man. Wrinkly. Rough and tough. Yet sweet and loving. Intelligent. Caring. And being successful, of course, does not hurt. I cooked brunch. Kueh teow soup, nothing fancy. But the garlic chilli lime sauce made the difference. And when I was done, I colored my hair. This time like most times, I am still on violet and burgundy. Since I am on it, might as well I do my face with my loyal blue corn. I just love this blue corn mask from Body Shop. It removes your black heads and all the dirt you can find in your pores. Smells great too! When the hair went violety burgundy and the face is dirt free, I did my manicure. Chilli red. Not bitchy like the dark maroon I had yesterday. Chilli red always bring up a little of flirtiness. And of course, I watched a few episodes of The Americans - I am reaching the season finale soon and i

This Thursday

So today is Raya Day 2. It was a lunch date gone wrong with the girls. So I ended up browsing around the mall and unlike the ol' days I now have purchasing power. So I came across this young boy started up his soap line. Since we are also attempting to start our own line, in support of local entrepreneurs, I got these lovelies for myself. I even took the trouble to take this pic prettily to post in Instagram. And it does not hurt that the products smelled orgasmic =}

The Americans

So this is my latest obsession. The Americans. Not that I approve all the innocent killings for the greater good but like most girly fans, it is the loooooveeee.... How two strangers came together. Gone through the thickest and thinnest. And grow to love each other so much over a period of time. Like a hopeless romantic. And because they love each other so much, sometimes the most little wrong things will hurt so much too. Aaahhh.... what life is meant to be.

My Little Sunshine

Is this not such a beautiful picture?  Look at that smile. Yes, my Sheldon is so comel 


Bimbo now is on an amazer mode because now you could blog from your phone with an app. Oh! The wonder of technology!