
I had this Great Pyranese when I was younger. His name is Pat.

5 of us in the family, I am the only one he bullies - the gate, the car, the chases. And I am also the only one that he listens to the most - the paw and the wagging tail.

I remembered there was one night when I was home alone with my youngest brother, it was a lonely drizzling night. After putting my brother to sleep, I went down and sat by the stairs where Pat was sitting down there looking at me. Then I stroked on his thick white coat and started pouring my heart out to him. Pat was just sitting down there listening to me, patiently.

Months later, I came over here to continue my studies. And one fine evening, I received a phonecall from my mum. Pat has cancer and he was unable to walk or eat for weeks. He had been put to sleep. 2 weeks ago. Nobody dared to tell me cause they know I would cry. And I did. I remembered that evening, I was lying down on my bed and tears were rolling down. My then boyfriend was just sitting next to me, brushing my hair with his hands.

Recently, while I was driving to work, I thought of Pat. I thought of the times, I would bring him for evening walks and how the neighbourhood adores his thick white coat. Whenever I come back home, he would wag his tail and start running around the car, inviting me to play catch with him. The times he loves to have a ride in my red kancil.

The nights when he sat there quietly listening to my stories.


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