Tired Tired

I am going home soon. So right now am rushing things to get done. Working like a mad cow. I am going on leave~ I am going to change my hair. I am going to get new clothes. I am going to put on weight. I am going to stay at home like a big fat pig. I am going to be a good daughter. A horrifying sister. Nyahahahaha...

I was talking to a friend and we were bitching how men or some women for that matters are so clueless about being sensitive in a relationship. I told her we should right a book for these clueless creatures. Or start a blog: theclueless.blogspot.com. Some sort like that. I think we would have enough real life stories to entertain the world. The blog title would be, "For Crying Out Loud, Get It!"

Like a friend of ours, getting a brown colour spreadsheet as a token of love from her husband. Among all colours brown. Among all romantic gifts, a bedsheet. =| Poor Mellissa.

Unless of course, if the bedsheet was Laura Ashley, then it would be a different story =)


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