I must share this. Because I love what Daphne Lee wrote. "When I was a little girl, my mother never lost the opportunity to tell me how beautiful I was. I was her baby, the youngest of four girls, much younger than my siblings. I was a cute chubby child, but I was hardly beautiful. Still, my mother must have believed I was - don't mothers? In any case, because she told me repeatedly that I was beautiful, I believed I was and carried on believing it. All my life, I have been perplexed when people disagree with me on this point! I'm 40 now and I think I look roughly the same as when I was three. I still think I'm beautiful - a few months ago. I even started my own fan club, for a joke I hasten to add, but I acknowledge that there had to be a degree of cheek (which I've always believed is a form of self-esteem and self-love) involved. I can't argue with self-love. If you don't love yourself, you might as well give up on others loving you. (I'm also all fo...