My Blueberry Nights
I like the movie. Your typical Wong Kar Wai movie. Deep. Bored. Make you think. And wonder. I don't remember much of this movie but I remember this part of the scene:

"Hey Sue Lynne?
Sue Lynne?
It's late.
Come on let me take you home.
I was
seventeen when he pulled me over.
High as a kite.
''You been drinking, Miss? ''
So I smiled.
Bat my eyes.
Who'd have thought we'd be married.
In love with a cop,
and stuck in this godforesaken town.
He was so crazy about me.
I couldn't breathe.
So we tried
drinking our way back into love.
But it never made sense in the morning.
So I ran.
And every time I came back,
he was here.
And he was still crazy about me.
now that he has,
it hurts me more than
anything else in the whole world..."
Rachel Weisz. She acts well.

"Hey Sue Lynne?
Sue Lynne?
It's late.
Come on let me take you home.
I was
seventeen when he pulled me over.
High as a kite.
''You been drinking, Miss? ''
So I smiled.
Bat my eyes.
Who'd have thought we'd be married.
In love with a cop,
and stuck in this godforesaken town.
He was so crazy about me.
I couldn't breathe.
So we tried
drinking our way back into love.
But it never made sense in the morning.
So I ran.
And every time I came back,
he was here.
And he was still crazy about me.
now that he has,
it hurts me more than
anything else in the whole world..."
Rachel Weisz. She acts well.

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