
Showing posts from October, 2005

Macaroni Cheese

People sometimes do ask me, what is up with me and macaroni cheese. I first officialy learnt cooking when I was taking ERT class back in secondary school. The first ever proper dish I learnt and managed to cook from scratch without mummy's help is macaroni cheese. And so that is why it meant a lot to me. I still remember back then when I was 13, dad had some mahjong guests over for a session. I was happily cooking macaroni cheese for them. All the uncles praised me to my dad, "what a clever daughter you have." And I believe it's not because I am my dad's daughter but because my macaroni cheese is not that bad =P This is how I learnt it and this is how I am still making it. Mix macaroni with frozen vegetables. Mix with some german ham and spread the love of cheese all over it... Put it into the microwave to let the love of cheese, cheese oh lovely cheese , melts all over the place... and VOILA! And all that I forgotten to put salt hahahaha... but but but... it is

The Business Bimbo

I just have this thought that might make me look intelligent: You know, in McDonalds, it's part of the frontline's customer service people to ask you, "would want desert to go with your meal?". For that one single line, McDonalds's sales went up. A friend of mine managed to apply the same theory in his line of business. He supplies cleaning equipment and solutions. He always tell his sales people to ask the customers whenever they order extra solutions, "would you want extra batteries to go with that?". And because the company buys batteries in bulk, there is always a healthy margin whenever they sell the extra batteries (which is cheaper than the market too) to make the extra money. Brilliant, isn't it? Now, when Pepsi came out, Coke was suffering in sales. So Coke Marketing was planning what can we do to knock Pepsi out? Then one fella had an ambitious idea. Why just kill Pepsi? We shall kill all drinking water. Whoever whenever wants a drink to qu

Euky Bear

I was walking in the pharmacy wanting to buy panadols. On my way to the panadol shelf I saw toner and facial foam. I think I need those. Then, walked down some more I saw hair gel. I think I need that too. And tampons. Then a shop assistant saw me juggling with the bottles and boxes with my hands, came to me and gave me a basket. "I think you need this." I looked at her and said in a very innocently sedih kinda' voice, "You know, all I wanted was just to buy panadols." I think she was traumatised for a while. Then when I was at the panadol aisle, I saw it. There was an excitement in me. EUKY BEAR!! When we were very young, growing up, mummy always rub eucalyptys oil on us. On the head and on the tummy. The kick ass one is the one from Indonesia. Every now and then I still eucalyptus myself and one of my all time favourite is Euky Bear. When I came back home, I opened up the bottle and I sniffed on it. |~~~~~| It made me went "aaaahhhh..." like I am hom