
Showing posts from 2006

Uncertainty and Insecurity

You know, there are days when you wake up and you feel uncertain of your day. What are you going to do? Is the day going to be screwed up? What if the plans didn't work out? What if I am stranded? And these uncertainties will grow in you turning you into an insecured monster. Today, at this very naked moment, I feel that this day is such day.

Unlogical Genius

Yeah... I've been told that too many times. Mathematical genius but somehow unable to think logically -.-" Your IQ Is 100 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

All That Is Left Of...

I was watching Discovery Channel the other day and mother cheetah went to hunt for food for her youngs. When she returned to her nest to feed her youngs, she came home to her dead babies attacked by lions. It was definitely a sad moment. And that is nature. Yeah, nature will take it's course eventually.

My Last Baby

He managed to escape. Naughty like cock - which I think why he managed to survive the attack. But cute like hell... Most adorable... I had not named him yet... I just call him baby baby~ =P


... for my rabbits... Yeah, nature finally took it course and took them away from me. But nature was not entirely cruel and left me a baby. Who is currently being locked up in a hamster's cage since it's always jumping out from it's own spacious cage. Everybody is concerned cause they know how much my children meant to me. 6 years. And I had to bid my farewell...

Back To Civilization

I gave up waiting for my phoneline to come in. So with the help of a sponsor of Z600 and technology, I subscribed to an unlimited mobile data usage plan and I am finally back to civilization, going online and doing my thing from home =) Though it's not as fast as what I used to have, I am particularly happy. Welcome back, Tutu =)

Bunnies & Doggies

When I was 10 years old, my mum bought me a doggie in Hong Kong. I still remember I loved it so much that I was hugging it so hard at the hotel room that I spoiled that small little trumpet on it's tail. 18 years later, that dog is still sleeping with me on my bed =). With a new companion courtesy of a dear colleague. Ahhh... just look at Pat and Vivi... so grown up already. And now they have a garden of their own to hop about. They are particular very happy. And so am I =)


I do miss blogging. I do miss my mIRC. Hence right now I am in a Cybercafe nearby. Damn I forgot to bring the camera cable, if not I would be able to upload some pictures. I have not been in a Cybercafe for sooooooo long already....

Strange Dreams

Some time ago I blogged about dreaming about Alien Chang. I have the strangest dreams when it comes to him. I always have fond memories of him when we were younger, in that innocent blue pinaform kakakakaka... do you know he is getting married end of this year? That fella is finally having all the sex that he wants hahaha... I know him when I was 13 in secondary school. Was never close to him till 14 when we were working on a project together. Things got even closer when we were 16/17 when we were involved in more projects together and we will have these long conversations over the phone. We talked about everything under the sky. Both of us trying to be mature, thinking that we had the world in our hands - we have so much in common - the thoughts, the ideas, the visions. I would call him names and he would call me names. And there was this time, I told him affectionately, you are so strange and weird, I don't think you are from this planet, Alien. Hence the nick. And occassionally

Dazed and Confused

I don't know what I am feeling. I feel sorry for her... Sad for myself... I think I injured a kitten this morning. I fear dead animals.

Cool Kids Never Had The Time

Aaahhh... don't you just love that song... No, I still don't have my internet connection from home yet so I am just blogging here from the office, while I still have the time... Aaahhh... working on a Saturday is such a bitch. For the past 2 months, not much drastic changes happened. Just the daily doses of small little dramas that I love to dramatized for story-telling... let's see if I can summarized some: 1. Brother is suppose to arrive today with his wife. Supposed to stay over at my place tonight but can't get hold of him yet. He is still in Thailand without international roaming... aiyah... 2. Errrr... It's not the same when it's not recent =P

Still Lost in The Jungle

I still don't have Internet connection from home so wait ah... Amazingly I don't miss the net so much. But if you guys out there who is game for an outing or dinner or coffee coke or fine cheese cake with ice cold tea, please do give me a tinkle =)

Who Does Not Want Me?

Nyahahahahaha..... You scored as Hot . You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you. Hot 100% Violent 75% Soft 69% Wet 63% Exciting 63% Sweet 50% Awkward 25% Shy 25% What is your sexual style? created with Like that... You scored as Suicide . Suicide 50% Shooting 40% Heart attack 35% Car crash 35% Trip and Fall 30% How will you most likely die? created with No wonder people ngarn yuen and say I ma-ma oni... kekeke... You scored as Popular Bitch . Popular Bitch 75% Slut 69% Hippy 63% Athletic Tomboy 38% Preppy Girl 38% Nerdy Girl 38% Goth 31% Loser 13% What type of girl are you?!! created with


I am 28 and I am stuck in a fucking rut.

The Wallet Mission

I had a mission today. To go hunt for my new wallet . Mummy said, a wallet is very important. If got bocor, first thing you need to do is get a new one. Very pantang wallet ada lubang. I saw one wallet. And I liked it. It looks like my brother's wallet. And he managed to use it very nicely. I stopped at there. I learnt my lesson , see ngarm liao, zhao have to take. Oh what cheery colours: And it fits my money and my tonnes of cards nicely... To a wealthy 2006. Kakakaka...

The True Prawn

Last year when I went back home, I went back to some huge ass prawns . This year, my brother brought back home that made those huge ass prawns look like peanuts. Only meant for exporting, it's not available for sale locally. From this picture, they look pretty normal. Packed in an ice block nicely. Somehow, they look like maggots to me kekeke... But when you look closely. This is the actual size. One miao miao told me it's so big it looks like a cowboy gun 0.o Pour in some garlic, and some egg white, steam steam steam, and voila! (Burp) Oh yeah. 3kg is just too kind to me liao.

Pom Pom

I remember when I was a young girl, my dad would bring me to the wet market to do grocery shopping. Unlike other girls, I love the wet market, especially the fish market. There are so many smelly fish, prawns, crabs etc to look at. Some big, some small, some still alive and jumping. And there was one time he asked, what fish would you want to eat today. I never know the names of the fish but I remembered I told him I want the fish that looks like a kite. I think I was just 7 or 8 that time, but this particular moment just stays in my memory. You see, it does look like a kite: And I love it chiew chao zhing. With lots of salted vege and white taufoo... Oh my oh my... I think my 3kg during the holidays was just too kind to me kekeke...

Hunting for Wallet Again

My wallet finally cracked on me again. So I have to go look for a new one. But I do not quite know what I want this time. So while I was a lonely soul when I was in Kuantan, I was shopping around for a new wallet. And it struck me. I want to get a Barbie like wallet. And I got first stuck with Snow White. Then Hello Kitty. Then finally my hero, Garfield. Oh well. I was into them for some what 1 week. Then I lost interest. I gave Snow White and Hello Kitty away to make 2 lovely children happy. Though I am not using Garfield anymore, I still keep it cause I like it. And went back to the old wallet my brother bought me. Now I am hunting for a new wallet. But first I have to decide what I like. It's like a yearly ritual =|