
Showing posts from August, 2012

Happy Advanced Malaysia Day!

Oh well, I wanted to do this post on Malaysia Day since I am so feeling so patriotic today (besides the fact I am on blogging mode). But knowing myself, chances are I would be the lazy ass then so might as well do it now. I always tell myself and my children that knowing what is "in" right now is important. So that when you go out and meet people you would have stories to tell and participate. So I have been hearing this Gangnam thing for the past weeks,  so I told myself today, I must know what it is! Hmmmm... so that was what it is... Gangnam Style... Even  I have to say it's quite entertaining actually. And it grows on you hahahahah... And of course, with a video like this, there would be parodies. And I came across this one: Orang Sabah Style. Some find it irritating but I actually find these kids so talented doing this. It's catchy and funny. The "chowsingchi" moments in between were actually quite creative, though tacky. And for a mome

Happy 55th Merdeka, Malaysia!

I have a new obsession. It all happened when my boss asked us to purchase a management book (which is so deep and thick, I don't even know where to begin with that book). And since I am this "in trend" person now who purchases rubbish online all the time (besides the fact I am car-less nowadays), I ordered the book online. When I was ordering, I saw this: I am always a supporter of my own country talents so I purchased the book in support. And I got addicted. What I really love about his journal is his simplicity. And it appeared genuine and honest. Always something you could relate to with your own life. And of course, he is funny. And he gave me another good story to tell for the next few months of my life during boring dinners and lunches hahahahaha... Here is to whom make Malaysians proud being a Malaysian on Merdeka Day.   Happy 55th Merdeka Day, Malaysia!