
Showing posts from September, 2012

Bimbo is into K-Pop

Who would have thought! I finally discovered K-Pop! So I was on my business trip, tired and just resting in my hotel room and there were limited channels on languages that I could understand. So I was watching this Mandarin Channel, and they were introducing a band, a Korean band nontheless... Oh my... I didn't know Korean young boys could be so delicious hahahahaha... And yes, the one in blond is the one I liked and the tall one (who somehows remind me of alien) is growing on me. Of course, with this new obsession, I was starting to learn about their lives through google and eventually I managed to learn their names. G-Dragon and T.O.P they are... Yes, very handsome they are.

Me Is So Tired...

Today I am so tired from work. It is one of those dog days. So tired that when I was at the elevator,. I walked in with this other person, I was just too tired smile even. She was getting one floor off earlier than me. In the elevator the whole while, I was just staring at the No Smoking sign, partially also I was consciously avoiding eye contact with my unknown neighbour. And from the corner of my eye I could see her watching me. Then the lift went ding ! We had reached her floor. And with the most cheerful smile, she greeted me, good night ! And I replied good night back with some enthusiasm. And I looked at my hand which was holding my company lanyard (I use it as a keychain) and I could not help but wonder, was she one of them who had worked / is working with my company. Oh my! Me is just so tired thinking about our poor service lately. Heck it, she probably is just one of my friendly neighbours whom I took granted for...

We Band of Brothers

I have watched Band of Brothers so many times. And yet everytime I watch it, it's like I am watching it for the first time. I could not have imagined how horrible the war was. So much fear. Even after the war ended, I am sure it was not easy to live on. I could only imagine the nightmares and terrors they would be having on sleepless nights. I've seen those a lot onTV (cause I do not know anyone personally who survived the war) and I believe the TV. When I am down and out, I used to look for and start reading my Schindler book. It told stories of the holocaust's survivors. I could not imagine, how much hatred one person has to wanting to eliminate a race. And the endless of sufferings he put on so many people. And I always tell my friends, could you only imagine, the prisoners at the death camps, when they were having a good day, they would dream. And what they dreamt of is having a warm bed to sleep on and a loaf of bread to eat. And we? We dream of big houses, fast

Fatter Pots

bimbo: I want to go curl my hair (while twirling her boring straight hair)... datin: You need to have soft hair to curl your hair... bimbo : But my hair is not soft and it never will be. Does this mean I will never get to curl my hair?!?!?!!! datin: Well, truth hurts... bimbo: *glares* If only I have my car with me right now, I will so drive to the salon to dye my hair red and curl my hair. With or without soft hair I would definitely look like this: