
Showing posts from August, 2005

National Day

Don't get me wrong. I am not all that patriotic but I don't know why, every year, Merdeka Day, there is something that haunts me a little. One of the most significant Merdeka Day I could remember is the year 2000. I do not know why, but the image of that night is so clear to me. I had the yellow lights on. And everybody went down to KLCC to see fireworks. I pushed everything in the living room to one side, and I mopped the apartment. And I had a little naughty phone date with this guy from Penang (whom came out from the same secondary school that I did - what a small world) - and a paperclip. I don't even remember his name anymore. Today, I woke up to a gloomy sky. I wanted to go to the office to work. Aside being lazy, the sky is really a bit depressive today. And I am missing someone dearly. Not because I still love him, but because of the times that we had spent. The kiwi fruit, the late nights in the office, and that bloody window. Went out dinner with this person, shar


Jackie always reminded me of something. She once said, she doesn't understand why people keep diaries because most of the time there are only sad memories in it. Why do people would want to keep such written memories? When I was in the shower I had such thoughts. You know, sad stuff. About running away. Sacrifice. And being selfish. It's a contradicted moment. I have happy stuff to blog about as well. But you see, when you are shadowed with unhappiness, you are just, well, not happy. I blame it on the heat.

Ramblings on Feelings

Feeling is a funny thing. Something that you can't derive using a formula. I hate things when they are always trapped in the grey area. That is why I am a mathematics and physics student. Everything under the sun must be able to be derived using formulas. Today, there is a broken heart. She found out that the man she loved all these while, not only had no feelings for her, but is in love with someone else. Years back someone's heart got broken as well. The man she loves so much, loves someone else. She was angry with the woman who stole his heart away. Didn't she know that his heart belonged to someone else? She kept on telling herself, she so needed to be slapped in the face. Slapped in the face. A bird once told me when it comes to love it's not that easy. If you have the foundation correct, things will follow through. I couldn't agree with that more. If you are with the person not because of your love for her, but because of something else, then something is wron


My mum had a small boutique when I was 7. I would hang out in her boutique and observed her selling clothes to her customers. And I admired her so much. When I was in Primary 1, we had to fill in this form, what do you want to be when you are grow up. I happily filled in it as Salesgirl. When I was in my early teens, I was growing up a little bit weird. Watching too much TV, I find a bit of fascination in being psychotic. Sometimes I was a loner. Sometimes I was Miss Popular. And I am still a little bit of like that instead. I had to fill in that dreadful form again of what I want to be when I am to grow up. I happily filled in as a Psychiatrist. When I was in my late teens, I was quite attached with numbers and physics. I don't know why, but I wanted to be a Civil Engineer. I was actually amazed by roads and bridges infrastructures I think. And I ended up graduated with a degree in Electronics Engineering majoring in Computer. And working as a consultant wayyyyy out of engineering


I am having a pounding headache right now. Too much input for an evening. I've attended a good meeting today. From all over the country, top 25 country accounts' holders gathered to brainstorm how to improve account management (involved in 3 accounts me =P). This is really really something compared to the previous company I was attached with. I've seriously never seen one company, 100% headcount is made of dynamic people. 80% of us were women, including our GM. Powerful women in the conference room. And seriously, for once, I feel proud to be part of the team. Somehow this reminds me a bit of Shaun ChocBunny. I still remember he telling me, I am not going to talk to you until you get that account manager position. He has his little ways to motivate me and he is always there to be my sounding board whenever I jump at work. Cute, he says. And you know, I do have to thank him for that =)


You know that show, Sex And The City , about four women in one city. Each reveals a different side of the dating scene in New York, each is unique with their extreme characters. One fine evening, while we are irc-ing, we came up with our own local version. First we have our darling Katherine** . She is this typical young college kid. You know, the ambitious 19-year-old who doesn't have a clue it's a jungle out there in the corporate world. One thing about Katherine is that she loves old men. And when I say old, I really meant old. For a 19-year-old, her youngest boyfriend is 36 years old. At 27, the oldest I've ever had is 35. Go figure. Then we have our sexy Jolene**. She is the high flyer. Great job making great money. Have her own place, driving a sports car. Jolene is in a steady relationship with her boyfriend. However, she is forever telling you as long as she is not married, she is still open for bids. But she always announce she is attached. Next we have the powerf

Clients Are Not Listening

I was telling a friend that this life that I am living is a blessed life. Somehow, things just iron out their ways. At the right place. At the right time. I told her, must have been I've done something right in my past life to have a such blessed life this life. Then she asked me, how about your next life? Then I told her, in my next life, she should be quite blessed as well because I've been good this life. She couldn't agree more. I wouldn't say I am not selfish but I have always love to make people happy whenever I could. It just brings you so much joy to see the other person smiling for you. I have a bird who tells me, how incapable of myself to put my own interest in front of everybody else's. Seriously, I really don't have a problem with that. Because, it makes me happy. Friday night, went to this quite nice buffet dinner with Hazy Herman and there is one point of the dinner he was arguing with me about cravings in life. He was so disgusted with me when I

Say Cheese~

"Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile." One of my best asset is never my breast. It has always been and will always be my smile. Oh my, don't you wish you can stay young forever muahahaha... And if someone would have fall in love with me, I would believe it was because of my sweet sacharine smile. So children, smile a little smile for me too =)

Games for Grown Up?

I remember this line from The Sweetest Thing : "Aren't you just tired of games already?" Something like that ler... Doesn't matter. Anyway... Been quite a while already I didn't spend time with my colleagues. Today the whole day and evening was spending time with them and amazingly, I realise that I do miss them. That is something new I didn't know about my own capability kakaka... Found out quite shocking things as well. Kin San messaged me out of the blue. That is one name we haven't heard of for quite a while. He was just saying hi so I said hi back. When I was on my way home just now, we spoke over the phone for a while. Still the busy person he is. And last night, guessed who I dreamt of as my boyfriend? OMFG. Dr. Liew!! I swear I didn't want to wake up marn. We went to BlueFish Restaurant and he ordered TwoFish. Muahahahaha.... He then brought me to visit his clinic... just the 2 of us... so romantic *swooooons* Yes, I am psychotic. I am psychot


I had this Great Pyranese when I was younger. His name is Pat. 5 of us in the family, I am the only one he bullies - the gate, the car, the chases. And I am also the only one that he listens to the most - the paw and the wagging tail. I remembered there was one night when I was home alone with my youngest brother, it was a lonely drizzling night. After putting my brother to sleep, I went down and sat by the stairs where Pat was sitting down there looking at me. Then I stroked on his thick white coat and started pouring my heart out to him. Pat was just sitting down there listening to me, patiently. Months later, I came over here to continue my studies. And one fine evening, I received a phonecall from my mum. Pat has cancer and he was unable to walk or eat for weeks. He had been put to sleep. 2 weeks ago. Nobody dared to tell me cause they know I would cry. And I did. I remembered that evening, I was lying down on my bed and tears were rolling down. My then boyfriend was just sitting n

Fairy Tale

As long as you can spot a poison apple when it knocks on your door, you'll always be able to find your happy ending.