
I am having a pounding headache right now. Too much input for an evening.

I've attended a good meeting today. From all over the country, top 25 country accounts' holders gathered to brainstorm how to improve account management (involved in 3 accounts me =P). This is really really something compared to the previous company I was attached with. I've seriously never seen one company, 100% headcount is made of dynamic people. 80% of us were women, including our GM. Powerful women in the conference room. And seriously, for once, I feel proud to be part of the team.

Somehow this reminds me a bit of Shaun ChocBunny. I still remember he telling me, I am not going to talk to you until you get that account manager position. He has his little ways to motivate me and he is always there to be my sounding board whenever I jump at work. Cute, he says. And you know, I do have to thank him for that =)


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