Long Lost

It has been quite some time already that I don't have that feeling inside me. Though there is no doubt, it's all wrong.

A bird said something to me that directly hit on the spot. Hole-In-One. I am not confused. I am just contradicting. Or was it. Anyway, the bird said, the heart says yes and the head is screaming no. So I have a conflict to follow the heart or the head. Hummm.... seriously, it sounded so much nicer in the email hahaha... cacat.

++edit++ The original email...

"You’re not confused. You’re conflicted. The head says no. The heart says yes. Now, to listen to the head or the heart? You know the head is always right. But can you ignore your heart and follow your head?"



Am trying to keep things in control. Trying. Because the heart is weak. And the head is not strong enough.


DNA said…
Sometimes you just have to walk away from something that you really want because it is the right thing to do.

There is a price for everything in this world. You will have to weight up to see if the price is too much to pay.

Or you can just ask yourself one simple question. Does this make my life better or worse ?
Anonymous said…
A bird said something to me that directly hit on the spot. Hole-In-One. I am not confused. I am just contradicting. Or was it. Anyway, the bird said, the heart says yes and the head is screaming no. So I have a conflict to follow the heart or the head. Hummm.... seriously, it sounded so much nicer in the email hahaha... cacat.

-- its not a golf game as u think and its not easy to get HOLE IN ONE...


-- contradicting = NOT A RESULT

-- apply to the same theory can solve all the problem but sometime the pratical will kill u too... because conflict = war

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