
Still Lost in The Jungle

I still don't have Internet connection from home so wait ah... Amazingly I don't miss the net so much. But if you guys out there who is game for an outing or dinner or coffee coke or fine cheese cake with ice cold tea, please do give me a tinkle =)

Who Does Not Want Me?

Nyahahahahaha..... You scored as Hot . You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you. Hot 100% Violent 75% Soft 69% Wet 63% Exciting 63% Sweet 50% Awkward 25% Shy 25% What is your sexual style? created with Like that... You scored as Suicide . Suicide 50% Shooting 40% Heart attack 35% Car crash 35% Trip and Fall 30% How will you most likely die? created with No wonder people ngarn yuen and say I ma-ma oni... kekeke... You scored as Popular Bitch . Popular Bitch 75% Slut 69% Hippy 63% Athletic Tomboy 38% Preppy Girl 38% Nerdy Girl 38% Goth 31% Loser 13% What type of girl are you?!! created with


I am 28 and I am stuck in a fucking rut.

The Wallet Mission

I had a mission today. To go hunt for my new wallet . Mummy said, a wallet is very important. If got bocor, first thing you need to do is get a new one. Very pantang wallet ada lubang. I saw one wallet. And I liked it. It looks like my brother's wallet. And he managed to use it very nicely. I stopped at there. I learnt my lesson , see ngarm liao, zhao have to take. Oh what cheery colours: And it fits my money and my tonnes of cards nicely... To a wealthy 2006. Kakakaka...

The True Prawn

Last year when I went back home, I went back to some huge ass prawns . This year, my brother brought back home that made those huge ass prawns look like peanuts. Only meant for exporting, it's not available for sale locally. From this picture, they look pretty normal. Packed in an ice block nicely. Somehow, they look like maggots to me kekeke... But when you look closely. This is the actual size. One miao miao told me it's so big it looks like a cowboy gun 0.o Pour in some garlic, and some egg white, steam steam steam, and voila! (Burp) Oh yeah. 3kg is just too kind to me liao.

Pom Pom

I remember when I was a young girl, my dad would bring me to the wet market to do grocery shopping. Unlike other girls, I love the wet market, especially the fish market. There are so many smelly fish, prawns, crabs etc to look at. Some big, some small, some still alive and jumping. And there was one time he asked, what fish would you want to eat today. I never know the names of the fish but I remembered I told him I want the fish that looks like a kite. I think I was just 7 or 8 that time, but this particular moment just stays in my memory. You see, it does look like a kite: And I love it chiew chao zhing. With lots of salted vege and white taufoo... Oh my oh my... I think my 3kg during the holidays was just too kind to me kekeke...

Hunting for Wallet Again

My wallet finally cracked on me again. So I have to go look for a new one. But I do not quite know what I want this time. So while I was a lonely soul when I was in Kuantan, I was shopping around for a new wallet. And it struck me. I want to get a Barbie like wallet. And I got first stuck with Snow White. Then Hello Kitty. Then finally my hero, Garfield. Oh well. I was into them for some what 1 week. Then I lost interest. I gave Snow White and Hello Kitty away to make 2 lovely children happy. Though I am not using Garfield anymore, I still keep it cause I like it. And went back to the old wallet my brother bought me. Now I am hunting for a new wallet. But first I have to decide what I like. It's like a yearly ritual =|

Tired Tired

I am going home soon. So right now am rushing things to get done. Working like a mad cow. I am going on leave~ I am going to change my hair. I am going to get new clothes. I am going to put on weight. I am going to stay at home like a big fat pig. I am going to be a good daughter. A horrifying sister. Nyahahahaha... I was talking to a friend and we were bitching how men or some women for that matters are so clueless about being sensitive in a relationship. I told her we should right a book for these clueless creatures. Or start a blog: Some sort like that. I think we would have enough real life stories to entertain the world. The blog title would be, "For Crying Out Loud, Get It!" Like a friend of ours, getting a brown colour spreadsheet as a token of love from her husband. Among all colours brown. Among all romantic gifts, a bedsheet. =| Poor Mellissa . Unless of course, if the bedsheet was Laura Ashley, then it would be a different story =)

Good Samaritans

It's how funny how I ended up in BP. I am such a Mobil person. I have this tyre puncture and no one to call. And came these lovely angels coming down from the sky to help me. To dry the tears. And put back a smile on your face. This somehow reminded me of myself years back when I had to run so many errands within one day cause there is nobody close around to help me. I told myself it's fucking hiliarious to be a single in this city. That is what I felt like today.

Macaroni Cheese

People sometimes do ask me, what is up with me and macaroni cheese. I first officialy learnt cooking when I was taking ERT class back in secondary school. The first ever proper dish I learnt and managed to cook from scratch without mummy's help is macaroni cheese. And so that is why it meant a lot to me. I still remember back then when I was 13, dad had some mahjong guests over for a session. I was happily cooking macaroni cheese for them. All the uncles praised me to my dad, "what a clever daughter you have." And I believe it's not because I am my dad's daughter but because my macaroni cheese is not that bad =P This is how I learnt it and this is how I am still making it. Mix macaroni with frozen vegetables. Mix with some german ham and spread the love of cheese all over it... Put it into the microwave to let the love of cheese, cheese oh lovely cheese , melts all over the place... and VOILA! And all that I forgotten to put salt hahahaha... but but but... it is

The Business Bimbo

I just have this thought that might make me look intelligent: You know, in McDonalds, it's part of the frontline's customer service people to ask you, "would want desert to go with your meal?". For that one single line, McDonalds's sales went up. A friend of mine managed to apply the same theory in his line of business. He supplies cleaning equipment and solutions. He always tell his sales people to ask the customers whenever they order extra solutions, "would you want extra batteries to go with that?". And because the company buys batteries in bulk, there is always a healthy margin whenever they sell the extra batteries (which is cheaper than the market too) to make the extra money. Brilliant, isn't it? Now, when Pepsi came out, Coke was suffering in sales. So Coke Marketing was planning what can we do to knock Pepsi out? Then one fella had an ambitious idea. Why just kill Pepsi? We shall kill all drinking water. Whoever whenever wants a drink to qu

Euky Bear

I was walking in the pharmacy wanting to buy panadols. On my way to the panadol shelf I saw toner and facial foam. I think I need those. Then, walked down some more I saw hair gel. I think I need that too. And tampons. Then a shop assistant saw me juggling with the bottles and boxes with my hands, came to me and gave me a basket. "I think you need this." I looked at her and said in a very innocently sedih kinda' voice, "You know, all I wanted was just to buy panadols." I think she was traumatised for a while. Then when I was at the panadol aisle, I saw it. There was an excitement in me. EUKY BEAR!! When we were very young, growing up, mummy always rub eucalyptys oil on us. On the head and on the tummy. The kick ass one is the one from Indonesia. Every now and then I still eucalyptus myself and one of my all time favourite is Euky Bear. When I came back home, I opened up the bottle and I sniffed on it. |~~~~~| It made me went "aaaahhhh..." like I am hom


For a bimbo, I am quite academic. The first written test I had failed was a history paper when I was in Form 2. 48/100. I was traumatised. I was so determined to do better in my next test that I scored 100/100. Yeah, that would be me. Then I remembered I failed 1 paper in my Uni. Main reason - lack of focus. Was too busy quarelling with my then boyfriend. Was too busy making up with my then boyfriend. And Marcus was around. I will always remember Marcus for "growing mushrooms". When I was younger, I always had this scenario in my head. I would be working from home in this condominium. Modern design. There would be an answering machine, a computer and a fishbowl on my table. The window would be on my back and I would working on this semi-circle table. And I remembered I once had an entry in my diary that I am almost there already. I am doing my homework from this apartment. No design or whatsoever. I have my phone subscribed to voice mail. A neanderthal desktop and back then I

Midnight Blue

Woke up by a nightmare. Being abandoned again. This is going to kill me one day. [Ramblings] While I was dozing off, I was watching this movie, Lost in Translation. When it first came out, nobody noticed Bill Murray nor the movie. I saw that episode of Lettermen . No longer after that, it's like the next big thing. And Bill returned to the show in a different light. And Scarlett soared. It's funny how people chose to miss it the first time around. It's somehow warm tonight. I don't know whether I am sweating from the weather or from the nightmare. I guess it's a bit of both of them. It's always in a package, isn't it? Can't see the stars tonight. [Ramblings] You remember the time I had skin allergy? And Lance called? I remember I was telling him, I was a walking itchy strawberry and I was struggling to drive myself to the doctor. And he said to me, why you didn't call me? I could have sent you there. I remember Droo told me once before like

National Day

Don't get me wrong. I am not all that patriotic but I don't know why, every year, Merdeka Day, there is something that haunts me a little. One of the most significant Merdeka Day I could remember is the year 2000. I do not know why, but the image of that night is so clear to me. I had the yellow lights on. And everybody went down to KLCC to see fireworks. I pushed everything in the living room to one side, and I mopped the apartment. And I had a little naughty phone date with this guy from Penang (whom came out from the same secondary school that I did - what a small world) - and a paperclip. I don't even remember his name anymore. Today, I woke up to a gloomy sky. I wanted to go to the office to work. Aside being lazy, the sky is really a bit depressive today. And I am missing someone dearly. Not because I still love him, but because of the times that we had spent. The kiwi fruit, the late nights in the office, and that bloody window. Went out dinner with this person, shar


Jackie always reminded me of something. She once said, she doesn't understand why people keep diaries because most of the time there are only sad memories in it. Why do people would want to keep such written memories? When I was in the shower I had such thoughts. You know, sad stuff. About running away. Sacrifice. And being selfish. It's a contradicted moment. I have happy stuff to blog about as well. But you see, when you are shadowed with unhappiness, you are just, well, not happy. I blame it on the heat.

Ramblings on Feelings

Feeling is a funny thing. Something that you can't derive using a formula. I hate things when they are always trapped in the grey area. That is why I am a mathematics and physics student. Everything under the sun must be able to be derived using formulas. Today, there is a broken heart. She found out that the man she loved all these while, not only had no feelings for her, but is in love with someone else. Years back someone's heart got broken as well. The man she loves so much, loves someone else. She was angry with the woman who stole his heart away. Didn't she know that his heart belonged to someone else? She kept on telling herself, she so needed to be slapped in the face. Slapped in the face. A bird once told me when it comes to love it's not that easy. If you have the foundation correct, things will follow through. I couldn't agree with that more. If you are with the person not because of your love for her, but because of something else, then something is wron


My mum had a small boutique when I was 7. I would hang out in her boutique and observed her selling clothes to her customers. And I admired her so much. When I was in Primary 1, we had to fill in this form, what do you want to be when you are grow up. I happily filled in it as Salesgirl. When I was in my early teens, I was growing up a little bit weird. Watching too much TV, I find a bit of fascination in being psychotic. Sometimes I was a loner. Sometimes I was Miss Popular. And I am still a little bit of like that instead. I had to fill in that dreadful form again of what I want to be when I am to grow up. I happily filled in as a Psychiatrist. When I was in my late teens, I was quite attached with numbers and physics. I don't know why, but I wanted to be a Civil Engineer. I was actually amazed by roads and bridges infrastructures I think. And I ended up graduated with a degree in Electronics Engineering majoring in Computer. And working as a consultant wayyyyy out of engineering


I am having a pounding headache right now. Too much input for an evening. I've attended a good meeting today. From all over the country, top 25 country accounts' holders gathered to brainstorm how to improve account management (involved in 3 accounts me =P). This is really really something compared to the previous company I was attached with. I've seriously never seen one company, 100% headcount is made of dynamic people. 80% of us were women, including our GM. Powerful women in the conference room. And seriously, for once, I feel proud to be part of the team. Somehow this reminds me a bit of Shaun ChocBunny. I still remember he telling me, I am not going to talk to you until you get that account manager position. He has his little ways to motivate me and he is always there to be my sounding board whenever I jump at work. Cute, he says. And you know, I do have to thank him for that =)


You know that show, Sex And The City , about four women in one city. Each reveals a different side of the dating scene in New York, each is unique with their extreme characters. One fine evening, while we are irc-ing, we came up with our own local version. First we have our darling Katherine** . She is this typical young college kid. You know, the ambitious 19-year-old who doesn't have a clue it's a jungle out there in the corporate world. One thing about Katherine is that she loves old men. And when I say old, I really meant old. For a 19-year-old, her youngest boyfriend is 36 years old. At 27, the oldest I've ever had is 35. Go figure. Then we have our sexy Jolene**. She is the high flyer. Great job making great money. Have her own place, driving a sports car. Jolene is in a steady relationship with her boyfriend. However, she is forever telling you as long as she is not married, she is still open for bids. But she always announce she is attached. Next we have the powerf