
Happy Advanced Malaysia Day!

Oh well, I wanted to do this post on Malaysia Day since I am so feeling so patriotic today (besides the fact I am on blogging mode). But knowing myself, chances are I would be the lazy ass then so might as well do it now. I always tell myself and my children that knowing what is "in" right now is important. So that when you go out and meet people you would have stories to tell and participate. So I have been hearing this Gangnam thing for the past weeks,  so I told myself today, I must know what it is! Hmmmm... so that was what it is... Gangnam Style... Even  I have to say it's quite entertaining actually. And it grows on you hahahahah... And of course, with a video like this, there would be parodies. And I came across this one: Orang Sabah Style. Some find it irritating but I actually find these kids so talented doing this. It's catchy and funny. The "chowsingchi" moments in between were actually quite creative, though tacky. And for a mome

Happy 55th Merdeka, Malaysia!

I have a new obsession. It all happened when my boss asked us to purchase a management book (which is so deep and thick, I don't even know where to begin with that book). And since I am this "in trend" person now who purchases rubbish online all the time (besides the fact I am car-less nowadays), I ordered the book online. When I was ordering, I saw this: I am always a supporter of my own country talents so I purchased the book in support. And I got addicted. What I really love about his journal is his simplicity. And it appeared genuine and honest. Always something you could relate to with your own life. And of course, he is funny. And he gave me another good story to tell for the next few months of my life during boring dinners and lunches hahahahaha... Here is to whom make Malaysians proud being a Malaysian on Merdeka Day.   Happy 55th Merdeka Day, Malaysia!


7 early 8 early, life is being tested, stage 1. I will be strong. After this, all will be better.

Random Thoughts on a Sunday

It has been quite a while already I have time for myself alone on a Sunday. It does feel nice. I watched The Good Wife and Grey's Anatomy. I cooked dinner, had some drinks and now continuing watching Private Practice. It's nice. There was a funeral today. Makes you feel sad for a moment. Ponder the next. And your mind wanders. I always believe that things happen for a reason. For better or worse. And I believe in doing good. From the heart. I miss laying down here on the sofa and waiting for a kick. Putting my palm on top of my stomach massaging. Caressing. Yeah, I miss that. But I miss the real thing more. I miss his laughter and dididididididi hahahaha... And I know what you did on Saturday morning.

My Long Lost Friend

Sometime ago I spoke about this friend of mine whom I did not speak to for years. I found her through bbm and yes I am more in love with my blackberry because of this. Remember The-Not-So-Innocents ? I am so proud to tell you Jolene is now happily married with a loving husband and they are expecting their son this January =)


The part that really caught my attention is how happy Daphne Iking is with her belly. I miss that... =) And how the celebrities and the people come together ... I love that teamwork.


kar·ma noun \ˈkär-mÉ™ also ˈkÉ™r-\ often capitalized : the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence Do you believe in Karma? I do. Don't you think you could get away with it. I believe so. Very.

The Sugar Bowl Is Empty~~

A post I picked from a friend's FB: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you. But the roses are wilting, The violets are dead, The sugar bowl's empty, And so is your head

Come & Date Miss Pretty =)

An acquaintance posted this on his facebook and I just find it so enlighting and funny at the same time. A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum: Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy? I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York. My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York CityGarden(? ), $250k annual income is not enough. I'm here humbly to ask a few questions: 1) Where do most rich

My Blueberry Nights

I like the movie. Your typical Wong Kar Wai movie. Deep. Bored. Make you think. And wonder. I don't remember much of this movie but I remember this part of the scene: "Hey Sue Lynne? Sue Lynne? It's late. Come on let me take you home. I was seventeen when he pulled me over. High as a kite. ''You been drinking, Miss? '' So I smiled. Bat my eyes. Who'd have thought we'd be married. In love with a cop, and stuck in this godforesaken town. He was so crazy about me. I couldn't breathe. So we tried drinking our way back into love. But it never made sense in the morning. So I ran. And every time I came back, he was here. And he was still crazy about me. ... And... now that he has, it hurts me more than anything else in the whole world..." Rachel Weisz. She acts well.

"Finding Love Again" Part 2

"... It took more than a year to get over the shock, humiliation and misery of losing a husband, friend and confidant (he was all those things) but I'm glad to say that that old cliche about time being a great healer is true. I can hardly even remember the pain I felt - just enough not to want to experience it again. I wouldn't say that I'm now cynical about love and men. I have never believed a woman is incomplete without a husband. I think we get on fine without men, but it doesn't mean we can't be happy with special someone too. Let's just say I 'm not really looking at this moment in time. At 40, I am financially independent and I have three lovely kids. I don't feel in need of a man for traditional reason: companionship, stability and security, reproduction. Perhaps this is why the men I've dated so far are a lot younger than me. Basically, I now date for a laugh. I just want a good time, some conversation, and if there's sex, then that

"Finding Love Again" Part 1

I must share this. Because I love what Daphne Lee wrote. "When I was a little girl, my mother never lost the opportunity to tell me how beautiful I was. I was her baby, the youngest of four girls, much younger than my siblings. I was a cute chubby child, but I was hardly beautiful. Still, my mother must have believed I was - don't mothers? In any case, because she told me repeatedly that I was beautiful, I believed I was and carried on believing it. All my life, I have been perplexed when people disagree with me on this point! I'm 40 now and I think I look roughly the same as when I was three. I still think I'm beautiful - a few months ago. I even started my own fan club, for a joke I hasten to add, but I acknowledge that there had to be a degree of cheek (which I've always believed is a form of self-esteem and self-love) involved. I can't argue with self-love. If you don't love yourself, you might as well give up on others loving you. (I'm also all fo

My New Fridge

For many years I have been stuck with a small little fridge - a 2nd hand fridge which was sold at RM200 to me by a lovely couple neighbour. As all 2nd hand things go, the fridge eventually gave way and had a spoilt freezer. For years I have been living with the spoilt freezer, where the ice thickens so quickly that we could not put anything inside without defrosting every other hour. For many years I have been wanting the fridge to be replaced. I would open and close fridge doors at stores to imagine how wonderful it would be like to have a fridge just big enough to store some extra food in the freezer so that I could cook nice maggi mee with frozen prawns and tofu on a rainy day. I would stare at the price tag, and think, well, it's not that important after all and it would be tough to move the fridge to a permanent home eventually - how often do I need to cook nice prawny-tofu-ey maggi mee on a rainy day anyways... Screw that. I love my new tall handsome fridge. And I love the fa

Jangan Mix

For typing sake, the Malay part was actually originally spoken in Mandarin. Housemate 1: Hey, ada coklat di atas peti sejuk ni... Housemate 2: Oh! Jangan simpan kat situ untuk tempt saya... Housemate 1: Ah? Tempt? Apa benda tu? Housemate 2: Tempt ah... Tempting ... coklat tu tempting ... Housemate 1: Aiyo, nak cakap, cakap bagus bagus! Jangan MIX ! Housemate 2: Jangan apa benda? Housemate 1: ... ... Housemate 2: Kakakakakakaka..... I could not find them in FB lei... it would be nice if we could get connected again hehehe =)

This Laziness...

... has to stop.

My Cut Finger

So I was at the kitchen and I finally cut my finger while cutting an onion that slipped. It was quite a hilarious scene thinking back. I have used the word "bitch" so much. I scolded the onion a bitch. And I was scolding my finger bitch cause it won't stop bleeding. And I scolded my blood bitch for dripping all over the floor. And I scolded the first aid kit guidebook a bitch for not having anything useful to stop the bleeding. I even scolded the antiseptic cream a bitch for no reason. One thing for sure the blood color was really cool. It was red and fresh. Ooo~ that is what vampire craze for. Anyways, the bleeding stopped and I managed to dress the wound on my own - thank goodness the first aid kit was bought. And I had a wonderful friend who helped to continue to cook dinner and lots of kiss for my dear finger =)

Smiley Wrinkles

Suddenly I am thinking of a long lost friend who I had spent one of the most wonderful years I have in life. She is quite severely long-sighted and for many years she has been wearing fashionable glasses with think frames. One fine day, she had decided to get contact lenses and after a good struggle of 20 odd minutes, she finally managed to get the contacts in and for the first time in her life she was introduced to her smiley wrinkles at the corner of her eyes whenever she laughs (which has been hiding behind those think glasses frame all these while when she looks into the mirror) and she was horrified with the sight of how much she has aged. It was quite a hilarious moment. But it did not stop her from continuing to venture into contact lense (in difference colours I may add) and showoff her charming smiley wrinkles =)

A Hot Cuppa'

Recently I was bestowed with this nasty cough that actually made me refrained from cold drinks at all cost. Can you imagine! And during this period of mine, I have learnt to appreciate the nice hot drinks that was around me. I had a lot of hot tea. I had hot honey (with garlic at one time none the less - yucks!). I had hot coffee with almond sprinkles. I had hot chocolate. And oh my, I even had hot Milo! And I must say, it is not that bad all =) I liked the feeling when the hot drink warms up my tummy. It's almost like there is a soothing to your heart. Maybe that's what it feels like when people hug hot water bottles. When you cough so hard and you have a hot warm tea, the feeling is such relief... It's like you are being served a cuppa' love! Cheers!

My Lungs Are Coming Out

I am having this nasty cough for a month now. And it had got worse for the past 2 weeks. It is difficult to sleep at night and it's worse in the morning. I have seen the doctor and the specialist and the meds are not helping so I am going to look into traditional remedies that I am googling =S "Use of honey is one of the most common, traditional cough remedies. Consumption of 1 teaspoon of hot honey every one-quarter hour will help to relieve the cough symptoms. It will also give relief from severe spasms of asthma. Continuous use of honey is helpful for throat health." Hummm... I think I can try this one... "Finely chop a raw onion and extract its juice. Mix one teaspoon of the onion juice with one teaspoon of honey and keep it for about 4-5 hours. Consume this excellent cough syrup twice a day. Another home remedy with onions is to crush a raw onion and add juice of one lemon. Add one glass of boiling water to this mixture. You can also add honey for better taste.

Sex & The City

You know... after years of proudly saying that I never watched Sex & The City, I finally did. Not only that - I got addicted and I completed all 6 Seasons completed with movie within a span of 1 month.... muahahahahahahaa! I love the characters, I love the setup (Oh I love New York too!), I love the humour, the reality of it, the ideal of it, the crew, the cast, the story, I love the show =) I was chatting to a friend earlier on and I was trying to convince her to watch the show (she is also going through this nasty long-distance-shall-i-break-up-cause-i-am-not-strong-enough-he-is-so-faraway melodrama), so I told her, watch the show and you will know that even good-looking-career-successful-amazing-wardrobe women has the screwiest relationships in the world and all these you are going through is so normal - parts and pieces of a full-lived life. So take a moment, have a cuppa and embrace life =)